(Bay Area) Snowflake / Databricks / OceanBase
3 September 2022
1:00PM ~ 6:00PM, 9/3/2022, Saturday
- Registration link: www.meetup.com/bay-area-multi-cloud-infra-group/events/287777156/
- Event link: (Bay Area) Snowflake / Databricks / OceanBase
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- LinkedIn group: www.linkedin.com/groups/8362423
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Event Info
- Time: 1:00PM ~ 6:00PM, 9/3/2022, Saturday
- Location: Plug and Play HQ, 440 N Wolfe Rd, Sunnyvale, CA
- Language: English
- 13:30 - 14:00 Check In
- 14:00 - 14:50 A Decade of OceanBase: Performance, Architecture, and Evolution 🎙️Charlie Yang, OceanBase
- 14:50 - 15:40 The Snowflake Data Cloud: a New Type of Cloud Dedicated to Data Analytics. 🎙️Jiaqi Yan, Snowflake
- 15:40 - 16:00 Coffee Break & Speed Networking
- 16:00 - 16:50 Databricks Photon: A Fast Query Engine for Lakehouse Systems 🎙️Gene Pang, Databricks
- 16:50 - 17:20 Lightning talk: 61 Million QPS Challenge in Alipay: How Did We Do It 🎙️Ted Bai, OceanBase/Alipay
👋 Hello, Engineer! Welcome to the first event of the Bay Area Data Infrastructure Meetup. Our goal is to share technical insights and best practices in this area and get engineers connected. Whether you are a developer, ops pro, system engineer, or any other IT professional excited about infrastructure technologies, the Bay Area Data Infrastructure Meetup will have something for you.
- 📹 Webniar: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87965510656?pwd=RUpLTXlxcURmODhzT2JqdUhLL1VyQT09
🍮🍺 Snacks and drinks will be provided.
👬We are going to hold a series of activities in the Bay Area, and looking forward to your warm participation. If you are interested in sharing your experiences – either as speakers or as users – kindly contact us: ailing.tal@alibaba-inc.com
Jiaqi Yan is a Principal Software Engineer at Snowflake Computing. He primarily leads development efforts for the Compiler and Optimizer of the Snowflake Database, along with Workload Optimization, as well as Automation and Diagnostic Infrastructure in the Query Engine. Prior to joining Snowflake, Jiaqi worked as a Senior Member of Technical Staff for Oracle Database's Query Engine.
Gene Pang is a software engineer at Databricks, on the Photon Engine team. He is working on various Photon components such as window functions, sorting and aggregations. Before joining Databricks, Gene worked on distributed systems at Alluxio, and received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley. His interests are in the areas of databases and distributed systems.
Charlie Yang is CTO at OceanBase. He joined Alibaba&Ant Group in 2010 as the first developer of OceanBase, led the architecture evolution and TPC benchmark test of OceanBase, he is leading the development and product team of OceanBase. Before joining Alibaba&Ant Group, he was Baidu's senior distributed system engineer. His research interest includes database, distributed system, and the cloud.
Ted Bai is the solution architect at OceanBase. He is working on designing and implementing scalable and resilient database solution for users in varies industries. Ted is also a former member of OceanBase SRE DBA team in Alipay. As a senior expert, he has been leading database migration and performance tuning projects in many mission-critical systems. In addition, Ted was also the owner of Alipay Digital Finance business on OceanBase.
- Bay Area Multi-Cloud Infra Group
- Ant Group HQ, Sunnyvale
- OceanBase OceanBase.com
- 湾区同学技术沙龙(TechM)
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- 硅谷新创汇
- 南京大学湾区校友会
- 东南大学硅谷校友会
- 中国科大硅谷校友会
- 北加州清华校友会
- 硅谷清华联网
- 浙江大学校友会海纳创新创业俱乐部
- 北京大学北加州校友会
- 武汉大学北加州校友会
- 吉林大学硅谷校友会会
- 复旦大学北加州校友会
- 华南理工大学美国校友会
- 北加州华中科技大学校友会
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- 北京邮电大学北美校友会
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- 电子科技大学硅谷校友会
- 安徽大学北美校友会
- 湖南大学北美校友会
- 湘潭大学北美校友会
- 哈工大硅谷校友会
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